Best Electronic Drum Set For The Money 2019

Being a garage musician has never been easier, whether you�re�buying�a�drum�kit for you, for your friends or for your kids, the technology has reached a point where it will take years for you to outgrow them.

Electronic Drum Set�Reviews

Alesis Forge Kit | Eight-Piece Electronic Drum Set

I did not have great expectations from the�forge. I was betting on it being outclassed by�the Yamaha and the Roland when I started reviewing. But the Forge surprised me; it�s a great kit with features that provide�depth�to the playing�experience�regardless of your skill level, with great�feedback�and solid feel from snare to crash.

And it rewards you with great sound despite not having the database of the bigger manufacturers.

[amazon_link asins=’B01BDMKIJQ’ template=’ProductAd’ store=’audiobeast-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5e12df9f-a9ea-48cf-aefa-87a73ac81f89′]

It comes with a�lightweight,�but�the�strong�aluminum�frame and the double clamping system makes it take a beating like a top-tier gear.�That combo of durability and feel makes it walk a very fine line that you end up inevitably measuring other�kits too.

On the�electronics�side, it was probably the best in class sound module, because it comes from a much more expensive 1000$ drum kit.�And that�s what this feels like, a scaled down much more expensive�drum kit that forgot�it�s�price point and forgot to cut any corners.

Roland TD-1K Electronic Drumset

The TD1K�s�primary�selling point�is that it�s compact,�really compact. You can�t get smaller than this. If space is a major�factor,�this is your kit.

It feels good to�play�and comes with some�amazing�sounds�even better�and�the�great�808 kit, which is a�mythical�kit you should add to any drum kit you would get.�That�s�it�s�second�selling point, it just sounds better than anything on the list, if you really want the best sounds out of the box.

It�s�soft pads also make it very�silent, especially with some of the accessories Roland has to offer.

[amazon_link asins=’B01DKYIWG6′ template=’ProductAd’ store=’audiobeast-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’045be8b8-77a2-47ee-bb84-c3ff8d51b91a’]

In the long term this would be a great base for enthusiasts,�it has�a lot of expandability options�and�is fairly�customizable, if you get used to the size.

Finally,�because it�s a Roland, resell value is�excellent, and if you take that into consideration this becomes a�cheap Electronic Drum Set. You may end up losing less than $150 on this purchase. Something you would be�grateful�for when selling off the cheaper competitors.

BEHRINGER XD8�Electronic Drum Set

To be fair, it comes with some decent sounds for the money. And the gear isn�t all bad,�with�Dual-zone�snare and�a�kick drum�which some more�pricey�competitors lack.

It�s cheap�in a good�way, and it comes at the price of a practice pad.�If you really don�t know if drumming is for you, this is�an�affordable experiment.

And for the money, you get some decent I/O options and some user slots.

[amazon_link asins=’B00P8DSE7U’ template=’ProductAd’ store=’audiobeast-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’35dac708-1508-41cc-a564-622ca71d91b7′]

Again, I would use this as�an�input�device, and it�s a good option for producers that need to input�percussion�in their computers. But, that would be weird to input sound with a kit that costs less than your software.

The materials look�rugged�and utilitarian and will probably survive some heavy-duty�drunken jam sessions.

It�s an�also option for parents of kids�that don�t know if they even like playing the drums or for people that just want�a bare-bones experience to play once every few weeks.

Yamaha DTX400K Electronic Drum Set

Great�build�quality�and�feel.�This is sturdy and great for smashing despite its price point. The materials used in both the sound elements and frame�are top notch.

Music module�is�feature rich, but�bare bones, but�most features are 1-button away. I�like this�design the most out of�all the kits. The panel feels sturdy, and you can�t miss a setting when you�re all sweaty and hyped. And for�the more elaborate settings,�you have the�Ipad�apps,�which�make for a best in class sound mixing experience.

The�apps and�great�connectivity make it a great contender for the most feature-rich��sound module��in practice despite not actually coming�in the package�with�the actual kit.

[amazon_link asins=’B008RWHKJ2′ template=’ProductAd’ store=’audiobeast-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’32c170e5-fb30-4d5e-9057-1b48f2139e2f’]

A�stand out feature of the app is�the�training�routines�and very fast sound editing.�This makes�it very enjoyable for�tinkerers�like me.�They make it a top contender overall and probably the most�useful�kit out there for most drummer out there, beginner or intermediate.

Carlsbro CSD130XXX Electronic Drum Set

Sometimes you don�t need�an�acoustic�experience, feel or sound. A drum kit is also a tool and in that case, you just want to have a way to trigger that MIDI. In that�sense,�the CSD 130 is a respectable choice for the music producer.

It has�MIDI Input and Output�which is more than respectable for even kits that come at double the price.

It�s�lightweight�and�small; you can lift it with one hand.�It�s a great tool to have if you are a producer and just need to lay down some percussion in the cheapest way possible.

[amazon_link asins=’B01FIKSJGI’ template=’ProductAd’ store=’audiobeast-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2e42bdf4-b562-4f84-bfab-afa043f6aa47′]

Complementary to the I/O options the�soundboard�has�250 sounds and 20 kits.

You also get a�Kick Drum/pad,�adjustable�snare. It�supports�rimshots,�and the�crash and ride�have�choked.

Great for kids, but very bare�bones�as a playing experience.

Final Recommendation

The Forge, obviously.�And it�s not even because it does everything better than the rest of them. I prefer the tablet �sound module� in the Yamaha; the Roland sounds��warmer�.

But the Forge�does enough really well,�that you stop caring about the rest. I love�tinkering�with�sounds,�and that soundboard is made for the perfectionist�in me.�And you got plenty of things to tinker�with,�the sound library alone will keep you experimenting for years.

But more importantly, I think this strikes a great balance of being both more than most people will ever need and being a decent downgrade for musicians, even�acoustic�musicians. It�s�an�important�middle point that, if you�think about it, is really something for�Alesis�to be able to achieve at such a low�price point.

The�Benefits of buying�an�electronic�drum set

Great parties

A musical instrument is always a show stopper for boring parties and�an�accelerant�for fun one. It doesn�t really work with fondue parties but it�s way cooler than�karaoke,�or you can combine it with karaoke and make that actually fun and less �karaoke-ish.

Anyway, it�s great for chilling with guests or friends. It sets�a relaxed mood and awakens the rocker or smooth�kat�in most people.

Great for unwinding

If you have a 9-to-5, you have limited free time on your hands. So you need concentrated fun in that time-frame. I know of 2 ways to do that�to unwind faster than it takes for a roast to heat up in the oven.

Well 3, but only 2 that keep this�blog�post-child-friendly. One of them is working out, and the other is jamming. And when it comes to�percussion, it�s both if you do it right. Speaking of jamming�

Great for jamming

There�s a reason�drummers�are always the chill guys. Drummers�don�t�perform; they�just spill�music�into a room while playing. It�s like a subtle hegemony, imposing your�rhythm�and�energy�over everyone�in a room, without�yelling��look at me��or breaking�out�the hip trusts like�an�unsubtle�chimp in heat or a lead guitarist.

Makes you a�better�person

Ok, maybe I was harsh on guitarists. In�truth,�any instrument makes you a�well-rounded�person.�Playing music activates new brain pathways. You literally need to think differently�and�this forces�the pathways you use at work to shut down.�And among all�instruments,�the drums are the most cathartic experience you can�have�outside�of�a boxing ring.

It�s a constant struggle between you and time to get that perfect tempo.�It�s a transformative process at the end of which you will be a�better�human being.

Makes you enjoy music more.

Adding to the layers of who you are, your knowledge of music grows after you learn to play. And with that knowledge I dare you to listen to a�Lynyrd Skynyrd,�Pink�Floyd�or�Led�Zeppelin album and marvel at the�nuances�you missed. Congratulations your eyes have been�opened,�and�now you can�appreciate�the work of the Gods, the Rock Gods.

(and no jazz fans, I did not forget your greats, it�s just that more people know of�Kenney�Jones than do of Kenny�Clarke, I�m actually more of a jazz drummer myself and my views�on drum kits would if anything resonate more with you than the rockers).

Electronic Drumset Buyers Guide.

buyers guide

I hope�the�intro�wet your appetite, but before you go�full�Keith Moon and just order the first drum set you see on Amazon, take a moment to consider some limitation of your new calling of being a Rock�God, or a jazzy cool cat.

Space available

The drum set is the largest�piece�of musical�equipment�that you can buy apart from a piano.�Ideally,�you would have a jam�room,�and your partner wouldn�t object to that. But we don�t�live�in�dreamland,�so this is probably the most tangible limitation of what drum set you can get.

So measure your space and�pick�the drum set that fits, there�s a lot of compact options that perform just as well as their bigger competitors.


Whether you have it or not,�the�experience�is a big factor in how much enjoyment you can get out of a drum kit. And it goes both ways; amateurs will take years to find the difference between mid thousand kits and thousand dollar kits.

While musicians will hate the binary feel of most�low-end�equipment�and would have simply wasted the money.�If you are�an�experienced�musician and have maybe even�played�on some acoustic gear before, try the kit out before buying.

There�s a lot of�variation�among producers and kits. You will find one that �feels good� to you.

Length and jam session durations

Music is the pain of materials, and it�s physics.�Sounds�are�created by�impact, force, intensity, and resistance. There�s a reason why, when it comes to instruments,�things can get expensive, very�fast.

An�instrument�is trailing on a thin line between resisting impact and opposing it, over and over again, for decades sometimes. So,�if�you plan to play it like a�rockstar�day in and day out, or want to try going pro,�invest in quality�always because with every note you play, that instrument gets closer to breaking.

How well do you get along with your neighbors?

One�man�s�training is a�neighbors�frustration.

But the�beauty�of electronic kits is that you�make some�great music without much sound�spilling out of your home�or at least not so much sound that it�floods the�neighborhood. And there�s an�added benefit here�for the more�frugal musician:�A great set of headphones is much cheaper than a great sound system�and amp.�And because the sound is electronic, the reverb, echo, and fill will still be there and won�t depend on the room you�re playing in.

Do you like to produce or�tinkering?

Another benefit of electronic is that you can play with the music. So if you like to�tinker�with post-production the�sound module�that comes with the kit,�can be just as important if not more than the actual toms or cymbals.

Also, never�neglect the input/output connections you have at your disposal. There�s a lot of variation�here,�and you should look at a unit�s�potentially�more than just its present-day performance.�This is�an�extension of the expandability point below. There�s no such thing as too many ports. And this is a general rule, whatever you�buy,�there will come a time where you wish you had more connectivity.

How�to buy a�good Electronic Drum Set?

I hope�the�intro�wetted�your appetite, but before you go�full�Keith Moon and just order the first drum set you see on Amazon, take a moment to consider some limitation of your new calling of being a Rock�God, or a jazzy cool cat.

Space available

The drum set is the largest�piece�of musical�equipment�that you can buy apart from a piano.�Ideally,�you would have a jam�room,�and your partner wouldn�t object to that. But we don�t�live�in�dreamland,�so this is probably the most tangible limitation of what drum set you can get. So measure your space and�pick�the drum set that fits, there�s a lot of compact options that perform just as well as their bigger competitors.


Whether you have it or not,�the�experience�is a big factor in how much enjoyment you can get out of a drum kit. And it goes both ways; amateurs will take years to find the difference between mid thousand kits and thousand dollar kits.�While musicians will hate the binary feel of most�low-end�equipment�and would have simply wasted the money.�If you are�an�experienced�musician and have maybe even�played�on some acoustic gear before, try the kit out before buying.�There�s a lot of�variation�among producers and kits. You will find one that �feels good� to you.

Length and jam session durations

Music is the pain of materials, and it�s physics.�Sounds�are�created by�impact, force, intensity�and resistance. There�s a reason why, when it comes to instruments,�things can get expensive, very�fast.

An�instrument�is trailing on a thin line between resisting impact and opposing it, over and over again, for decades sometimes. So,�if�you plan to play it like a�rockstar�day in and day out, or want to try going pro,�invest in quality�always, because with every note you play, that instrument gets closer to breaking.

How well do you get along with your neighbors?

One�man�s�training is a�neighbors�frustration.

But the�beauty�of electronic kits is that you�make some�great music without much sound�spilling out of your home�or at least not so much sound that it�floods the�neighborhood. And there�s an�added benefit here�for the more�frugal musician:�A great set of headphones is much cheaper that a great sound system�and amp.�And because the sound is electronic, the reverb, echo and fill will still be there and won�t depend on the room you�re playing in.

Do you like to produce or�tinkering?

Another benefit of electronic is that you can play with the music. So if you like to�tinker�with post-production the�sound module�that comes with the kit,�can be just as important if not more than the actual toms or cymbals. Also, never�neglect the input/output connections you have at your disposal.

There�s a lot of variation�here,�and you should look at a unit�s�potentially�more than just its present-day performance.�This is�an�extension of the expandability point below. There�s no such thing as too many ports. And this is a general rule, whatever you�buy,�there will come a time where you wish you had more connectivity.

Tips on choosing the best drum kit


Your skill level will grow�absurdly�fast in the beginning. You will develop a�style�or something that you think is a style. Anyway, so you don�t spend even more in less than a year time, you need to consider how experience-proof the kit is. How much�can�you�personalize it, grow it�and how much it can serve the drummer you will become in one year or 2�years�time.

The best�way to do�this�is by listening to more experienced players than you that understand the difference between how a newbie plays and how�an�amateur�plays.�You will want the precision and control that comes with a kick drum and a�shockable�cymbal.

Does it fit?

This is the back-hand of space availability. The compact sets won�t be for everybody. Drumming is�an�expansive, expressive�performance. You own your�space,�and for me,�at least,�it can get really�aggravating�to minimize my movements because the frame and it is too small. On the other hand, bigger kits may be less comfortable for smaller people or children.

Is it good enough?

This is�another�side of the point about how�beginners�don�t know what�s not good enough. Intermediate players�need a minimal good enough so they can enjoy�playing�something. And not all drum sets are good enough,

almost none�of�a certain price point will provide you with a deep enough playing experience. And if�you��re�coming�from�an�acoustic�set, well, replicating that�dynamism�will not be cheap. But there are some budget options that are good enough for you to be able to fun with.

This isn�t snobbery or�elitism; this is just�adaptation�at work. You learn to play with the material and�its�quirks�and it�s hard to replicate that with cheaper materials or when you go digital.

How cheap is it?

Whether you outgrow in skill,�the instrument or give it up�entirely, there comes a time�when�most of us will sell our�gear,�and then devaluation hits hard.

Especially if you�re�a student�and can barely scrounge up enough money for�your next rent payment. And here, durability,�physical�durability, and manufacturer support reign supreme. Now, I�m not saying that this should be a major factor, but if you�re a parent for example and want to buy something for your kid, this may be a factor that will pay off sooner than you might expect.


If you have gigs, even if they are gigs in the opposite dorm room, this is�very important. It�s so important that it�s a well-known joke. Ask any musician�why drummers�are always late, the smile will be immediate.

If you are the kind of person that�gets�aggravated�at cleaning up�after�themselves�or packs only one�handheld bag on vacation, this�will be a major factor.�Lightweight�is�a feature that will pay dividends for each trip you make.�However don�t sacrifice sturdiness,�it�s better to be late than to have a broken drum kit.

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